Author: Emily Naff

Traveler, photographer, educator.

Saturday Night Lights

Saturday night at the fair.  Looking for a unique perspective on the iconic fair rides, I experimented with intentional blur and bokeh effects. I wanted the shapes and lines...

Bad weather makes better photos.

Sometimes bad weather can make more interesting photos.  Here are two examples of similar pictures taken in different weather conditions.  Often the blue sky and sunny days are when...

Colors of Jamaica

Happy Jamaica Day! When I found out that today was Jamaica Day, I started daydreaming about last year’s trip to Jamaica.  Jamaica Day is a celebration of Jamaican culture,...

Color Story

I love color!  If you come to my house, you’ll see walls that are bright yellow, blue and red, turquoise kitchen cabinets, a green sunroom and lots of other...

2012 in Review

Over this holiday break from teaching, I have been working to better integrate my blog and website.  I am also in the process of updating the galleries of images...

Traveler or Tourist?

The Mayan culture has been getting a lot of attention lately.  Especially yesterday, 12/21/12, the day that the Mayan calendar ended.  The end of this calendar has been interpreted...

Wordless Wednesday

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RIP: Oscar Niemeyer

Humanity needs dreams to be able to survive the miseries of daily existence, if even if only for a minute.” – Oscar Niemeyer Brazilian Architect Oscar Niemeyer died today...